Employee Spotlight – Candace Freeman
Meet Candace Freeman - Director

Tell us a little about yourself….
I was born and raised in Cleveland, OH and spent some time living in Japan while teaching English right after graduating college with a journalism degree. I worked in education and retail management for a bit before starting my career in recruiting.
How has your career grown since starting at Marcum Search?
I’ve really been able to expand my knowledge base and take on some client responsibilities that have challenged me. I’ve been able to learn a great deal from my team.
My favorite quote is…
From the poem Invictus- It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
Three words to describe myself…
Empathetic, curious, principled
My perfect day is…
Warm weather spent outdoors near some kind of body of water, followed by dinner at an amazing restaurant.
Advice for my 16 year old self…
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
Number 1 on my bucket list…
Travel to Brazil!
The person who had the biggest impact on my life is…
My grandma gave me a lot of great life lessons that I still hold dear today.
In my career I am most proud of…
The placements that I have made which have changed someone’s life. I recently placed someone who was returning to her professional life from a long hiatus and is now able to work in her “dream job”.
A funny or memorable experience from your career or personal life?
I went white water rafting for the first (and last) time with some friends in Colorado. We were able to choose our own guides, so I selected a friendly face. It was about five minutes in, that she let us know this was her first solo trip. Our raft got pinned to a rock for about 30 minutes while our feet were in the freezing cold water. We brushed it off, but after another 30 minutes into the ride, the raft hit yet another rock and overturned, causing one person in our group to go bobbing through the rapids. Needless to say, we chose the wrong guide.